But it is not the truth. Sexual silicone sex doll brothels may be a viable option for customers who may lack the social skills necessary to build meaningful relationships with humans. “People who may have some kind of social anxiety or who may have a disability may be uncomfortable with the social interactions of human sex workers, so they will benefit a lot.”
The brothel received some inquiries about visually impaired people and hearing impairments. For these reasons, sex doll brothels are far from ordinary. Despite this, people are still strongly protesting the prospects of doll brothels, especially in the legal profession in the United States. (Unless some counties in Nevada are strictly regulated, prostitution is illegal in the United States.)
On the surface, this seems to be an obvious problem: when choosing between a fleshy woman who can agree to sex and an unfinished $6,000 silica, the logic seems to determine who chooses. It is more likely that there are problems with some women’s views.
Sexual dolls (also like dolls or puff dolls) are sex toys that are used to help masturbation sex toys in size and shape. Sexual dolls may include the entire body’s face, or just the pelvic part with sexual stimulation accessories. These components are sometimes vibrating and may be detachable or interchangeable.
A 32-year-old entrepreneur said: “I saw these dolls becoming more and more popular in the report, especially abroad.” Many people (men) are too shy to go with real prostitutes. Or they have an illusion that they dare not say. He also believes that many people want to try to have sex with their dolls, but they just don’t have the cash or space to buy their own dolls.
But if you use sex dolls – non-contagious things – how can they agree to sex activities? This is a major problem because some people are worried that robot sex dollmay blur the line of consent. Therefore, the dream of a technology company’s robots, they call the world’s first robot doll brothel. Among them, the customer will be able to establish a rapport with the doll, and must meet the requirements of the brand in order to enter the sexual relationship.