That’s why I decided to get a torso from a real sex doll, which I think will be a more practical method for me and at the same time an emotional support for me. Compared to other websites, they are the cheapest, do you know if this is because their faces are not customizable? I personally would love to hear your feedback on your first use of dolls.
Because if you want to personalize it, that’s it! Just the website about it is not up-to-date. Regarding the sale price, if you add the torso to the shopping basket, you will see that 150 shipping charges are added at the sale price. Since it can be shipped directly, customs fees are likely to be charged when receiving the package, which has been reported by several members. Maybe reimbursement afterwards?
The advantage of ordering him is that he has a physical presence in France. All the twists and turns are obviously customizable. On the other hand, all members of the sex doll in China are not necessarily the first contact, and the idea that the doll’s utility is only used for sexual intercourse is wrong. I am also one of those who may have made this mistake.