Is A Good Quality Sex Doll Copy

The other is a good quality sex doll copy, the head is almost the same, but the details of the body and size are completely different, and the quality of the bones and joints are also completely different. I agree that you provide the same copy of the registered trademark. But in China, the regulations are not the same. They have the right to use pictures to sell products without a contract with the real product.

The product sold appears to be brand X, but does not claim to own brand X, so the product is not a copy of it and therefore has no right to intervene in this area. For the sake of simplicity, you have a photo of WMDoll, but the seller sold you a silicone doll with no bar mark, nothing, and also, when you receive the doll, it doesn’t look like a photo, even if the size is Mismatch.

Comfortable 158cm Blue Elf TPE Sex Doll

It’s like a famous jersey, it’s been copied, but it can’t be considered a replica because the logo is upside down. If a health risk is suspected, in this case, it may be the only area of ​​intervention, and if the packaging is checked again, thousands of fake sex doll products will enter our ranks. Country every day. On the way, I saw the entire container of garlic.

Still An Important Investment Sex Doll

Taking time is important, because sex doll are still an important investment and should not be taken lightly. Anyway, you can find a section on this that already offers many secure sellers: different sellers / good luck! Of course, these people will comb your hair without hesitation if you can, and you must be alert to those who do too much. The simpler, concise, and direct the better.

Demand is higher than supply in this market, and real sellers won’t trick you by offering you coupons or other gifts. They know that if they lose customers, at least ten people will be waiting behind the door. My father also said to me, “If you hesitate, don’t do it immediately.” So if you hesitate, tell yourself that you have an eel under the rock and you need more time to analyze all possibilities.

Comfortable 158cm Blue Elf TPE Sex Doll

Then you have to be 100% sure of your choice, which applies to everything. Copying a sex doll was not a problem for me, “if it is of good quality” and we were told. For me, the only problem is paying the same price as a real brand. For testing, I ordered 2 dolls that are “identical to the seller’s photos”, but there are two different sellers, one is an authentic doll with a certificate.