From Discovery To Final Purchase Of Japanese Sex Doll

Behind this forger, we are two reporters. We have just launched a recommendation calling on the owner of a loving doll. We produce a written report for Social magazine, and we usually work for Daily News. There is a simple question: why did you buy a sex doll? We contacted beforehand, who provided us with a way to absorb the topic and read a lot of your information.

We want to spend time with some of you so that they can tell us their stories, and we can go further from finding a doll to eventually buying a Japanese sex doll. Sometimes we have been able to read that there are physical, mental or just social motivations. As we all know, society is a magazine that focuses on stories. There are many stories and long testimonies.

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The idea is not to ridicule the owner of the doll, because some people are very angry. But it’s good to dig into the themes and underlying motivations of these purchases. Even though the French market seems to be growing, buying dolls is not “ordinary.” We see this as a stark sign of the society in which we live today. If you ask us to provide all recommendations, it is obviously anonymous.

We obviously left our connection. But the reporters who are interested in male sex doll are journalists. They only exist for 17 years. Some people still do n’t know them or bring them to inflatable dolls. !! Please feel free to send us a private message. Anonymous and telephone contact is also suitable for us.

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