Unique Artwork Japanese Sex Doll

He said: “My original intention was to create a unique piece of art that looked so real that people stopped to watch it. Potential customers said that I like your work and the appearance of this doll, but I can, it Sexuality, it made me realize that this would be a business venture, not an art project.”

“I think, like those who have same-sex marriage and transsexual tendencies, these things will look at this phenomenon in the same way, and say that if this makes this person happy, then I should judge who.”

However, he said that the head of the silicone Japanese sex doll robot is still under development, and the second edition will have more progress. The second batch will add some new features to the head, such as eye cameras for face and object recognition, face touch sensors, built-in speakers and more facial expressions. ”

160CM RZR Silicone Sex Dolls Yasuko

Like a live photographer, a silicone doll robot can perform a variety of actions in real time, including dancing, shaking, and even fools. She added: “It will enable people to fully control their love life, which will enable them to create ‘perfect companions.'”

The sex industry is estimated to be worth £23 billion a year, including sex toys purchased by women. Sexual robots are becoming the ultimate sex toy and are becoming more and more acceptable, just as “marriage aids” move from dirty backstreet stores to the streets.

How does it see the future of interpersonal relationships? Are we entering a world where we can choose not to interact with any face-to-face humans? Will more people be happy to admit that they have sex robots?

She added that because sex robots are basically “perfect” sexual partners, they reduce the appeal of “real” relationships. Traditionally, synthetic relationships have been regarded as very taboo, but with the development of technology, sexual discourse and the digital age, synthetic relationships have become an increasingly popular topic. ”

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