I Decided To Get A Torso From A Real Sex Doll

That’s why I decided to get a torso from a real sex doll, which I think will be a more practical method for me and at the same time an emotional support for me. Compared to other websites, they are the cheapest, do you know if this is because their faces are not customizable? I personally would love to hear your feedback on your first use of dolls.

Because if you want to personalize it, that’s it! Just the website about it is not up-to-date. Regarding the sale price, if you add the torso to the shopping basket, you will see that 150 shipping charges are added at the sale price. Since it can be shipped directly, customs fees are likely to be charged when receiving the package, which has been reported by several members. Maybe reimbursement afterwards?

Comfortable 158cm Blue Elf TPE Sex Doll

The advantage of ordering him is that he has a physical presence in France. All the twists and turns are obviously customizable. On the other hand, all members of the sex doll in China are not necessarily the first contact, and the idea that the doll’s utility is only used for sexual intercourse is wrong. I am also one of those who may have made this mistake.

Joints Try Different Poses Sex Doll

Your ability to master gestures, patience, precision … it’s important. I am not my strength, because I broke all the fingers of WM in one month. I saw Bruno on Monday 6th. I will “learn” and “learn” my sex doll. I am 34 years old and single. . I have recently been interested in love dolls and may want to buy one in the coming months.

I hope to find the information I need here because I think there are many counterfeit products on the market … Still others haven’t complained about it, I was shocked so I hope to thank you a little bit more. I have observed many nicknames that are more curious (and unlikely) than others, but this name is definitely among the top three. So is there a number I and II I don’t know?

Comfortable 158cm Blue Elf TPE Sex Doll

Is it more of a logo? Or a symbol? Or something else? I introduced myself very quickly and I was attracted to the dolls very early. I decided to take the first step, taking a look at the loan, and was very surprised at the difficulty of dealing with the latter. 40 kg has never seemed so heavy for me, and moving the joints of the sex doll to try different poses is a bit too complicated for my taste.

I Firmly Believe That I Have A Copy Of The Sex Doll

A bad propaganda, the doll’s world is moving so fast, the average mark can bring a little bit of importance on the podium, the sex doll maintains good conditions mainly thanks to his companions. The poor haven’t been able to break all of them quickly. As far as I am concerned, I am an important face-to-face person for this brand, and I always suspect that there is a copy.

Thank you for receiving all these welcome messages! I actually started to wonder if the choice of the girl doll was wise! Does Bruno have an opinion on this issue? Does it have an improved new framework or TPE is always of poor quality? You may immediately know if I have to cancel my order and continue to use the more durable WMDOLL … TPE has improved.

Comfortable 158cm Blue Elf TPE Sex Doll

It no longer has the previous smell and I even find it pleasant. No need to worry about it. They now have the correct price / quality ratio, which is not the case with the old skeletons, because they are too fragile to satisfy my taste. What I want to say is that the new skeleton is equivalent to WM. Encountered a problem, but he bought a doll in a less reliable store, and the source of the doll was doubtful. I firmly believe that it is important that I have a copy of the sex doll.

Consider Adopting These Charming Sex Doll Companions

Good evening, allow me to introduce myself: a 30-year-old computer scientist and musician. For some time, I have been considering adopting one of these charming sex doll companions, for which I can save some money (about 3000 euros, including shipping). I may ask some seemingly stupid questions, but if no one has asked. Anyway, thanks in advance for your answers.

No question is stupid, maybe you should browse various topics about dolls to “avoid” your question stream. Don’t worry, everyone has been there! Welcome to musician friends, I think you will find your own happiness here. Don’t rush to buy his doll is crucial to me.

Comfortable 158cm Blue Elf TPE Sex Doll

I’m waiting for a doll to order, and I know it shouldn’t be long, so I think about it more and more. I’m 32 years old and celib has been 2 years old. I want to be interested in love dolls. I just ordered a sex doll from urdolls because my budget is limited. I’m mainly looking for practical information … I want you to discover it, if you want, if you buy a new model, it is even better, they seem to be good and anyway, I would love to get yours Doll in return.

I Successfully Closed The Sex Doll Sites Of Some Fraudsters

The garlic comes from Singapore and ends up being named on our supermarket shelves because it is only placed in the Southwest network. The problem with buying inferior sex doll bought on sites such as alie express, ebay, etc. is that we pull the dolls down, making the games of manufacturers and sellers unethical, and aggrieved by honest dealers like Bruno.

This low-cost purchasing system is also applicable to many other things such as clothing, tools, high-tech products, toys, etc. It is a cheapest way of consumption that we all want, and for me, it is priceless. In the doll world, seeing the high quality of dealers and manufacturers bring benefits to Marguline, putting our keys under the door is our interest.

Comfortable 158cm Blue Elf TPE Sex Doll

It is impossible to take action against Ali, but when the seller is in Europe, there are some remedies available. I have shaken several sellers and I have successfully closed some sex doll sites of fraudsters. Questioning aesthetics, my current choice is to guarantee the interests of the Chinese people. This will always exist. It is not your interest to compete with French brands on this site.

Is A Good Quality Sex Doll Copy

The other is a good quality sex doll copy, the head is almost the same, but the details of the body and size are completely different, and the quality of the bones and joints are also completely different. I agree that you provide the same copy of the registered trademark. But in China, the regulations are not the same. They have the right to use pictures to sell products without a contract with the real product.

The product sold appears to be brand X, but does not claim to own brand X, so the product is not a copy of it and therefore has no right to intervene in this area. For the sake of simplicity, you have a photo of WMDoll, but the seller sold you a silicone doll with no bar mark, nothing, and also, when you receive the doll, it doesn’t look like a photo, even if the size is Mismatch.

Comfortable 158cm Blue Elf TPE Sex Doll

It’s like a famous jersey, it’s been copied, but it can’t be considered a replica because the logo is upside down. If a health risk is suspected, in this case, it may be the only area of ​​intervention, and if the packaging is checked again, thousands of fake sex doll products will enter our ranks. Country every day. On the way, I saw the entire container of garlic.

Still An Important Investment Sex Doll

Taking time is important, because sex doll are still an important investment and should not be taken lightly. Anyway, you can find a section on this that already offers many secure sellers: different sellers / good luck! Of course, these people will comb your hair without hesitation if you can, and you must be alert to those who do too much. The simpler, concise, and direct the better.

Demand is higher than supply in this market, and real sellers won’t trick you by offering you coupons or other gifts. They know that if they lose customers, at least ten people will be waiting behind the door. My father also said to me, “If you hesitate, don’t do it immediately.” So if you hesitate, tell yourself that you have an eel under the rock and you need more time to analyze all possibilities.

Comfortable 158cm Blue Elf TPE Sex Doll

Then you have to be 100% sure of your choice, which applies to everything. Copying a sex doll was not a problem for me, “if it is of good quality” and we were told. For me, the only problem is paying the same price as a real brand. For testing, I ordered 2 dolls that are “identical to the seller’s photos”, but there are two different sellers, one is an authentic doll with a certificate.

Self-control Of The Sublime Body Sex Doll

After everyone has the right to bring their own dolls to their own fantasies, I know this very well because they are attractive. So here I am, a 58-year-old man, he no longer wants to seduce women of his own age. So I ordered a sex doll and I should receive it as soon as possible.

I came here to meet and share with other people who live with dolls. Like you, I’ve been here a year ago. Can you tell us where you find it? It looks the same! But it’s still fragile anyway!

158cm Big Breasted TPE Sex Doll

Whether TPE or silicone, dolls are fragile, everything will depend on you, your control of this weight, your self-control of this sublime body. The virgin bought it, even if it was the same figure and in the same place, he was very careful. His doll was 8 months longer than my doll and it stayed longer. Prove that the outer diameter is the main factor. Like several sex doll owners on this, I am also checking the order on the website.

Looking For An Open Girl Who Will Accept My Sex Doll

People like me don’t have sex with them because for us they are not inflatable dolls. In this, you will learn a lot about dolls and doll owners, good research. Like many other toys, I love dolls, but I’m not too cautious about them. I am in the opposite situation and I am looking for an open girl who will accept my sex doll.

I fully understand! In fact, they are more than simple “attachments.” I must admit that the more I progress in my research, the easier it is to penetrate the charm of the doll. Also, I don’t want to offend or shock anyone in my speech! I quickly realized that the doll might be a true companion (which does exist), but for me it was a whole new world and all of a sudden I might be a little unfamiliar with templates.

158cm Big Breasted TPE Sex Doll

I think this is not the simplest thing. In particular, it must accept competition. At this level, sex doll sets the standard high! But everything came at the right time, who knows it. what? How much money do you show without mercy? No need to apologize for being a novice, I just want to point out that some of us are more obsessed with dolls than others, not sex.

I Presented Her With The Idea Of ​​Buying A Sex Doll

I am 26! This is my story. In New York Criminal Police mode. Ever since my girlfriend wanted to spend a few nights with another woman and three people. It’s been a while since. But I came across someone other than her (oops! This immediately complicates the situation. Then one day I was wandering around and I proposed to her the idea of ​​buying a sex doll.

Suddenly, the idea was put into practice, and we started looking for laughter on the spot. I pass your models or those with open mouths that can be used as candlesticks for 30 euros. At paf, we met a doll! Shocked. In short, we are obsessed! After careful consideration, we said that between the holiday and the doll, the holiday is another holiday, we have browsed a lot of topics and sites for learning, and we started to have more ideas to specify what might be appropriate.

158cm Big Breasted TPE Sex Doll

But okay, as a novice, I’m here for advice from experienced connoisseurs! If you choose one of 35 kg, you need at least two. Here, for many members, our sex doll is our companion and part of our emotional and emotional life.