Until We Find The Solution Real Sex Dolls

It’s a pity that only 2 weeks after taking it, she had so much tears under her armpit. Well, until I picked up the heat gun, it wasn’t that big (I shouldn’t do it …), now it’s almost as deep as the bone joints. I don’t need to worry about the tears in the armpits. I have owned another WM real sex doll for two years.

As if they changed the TPE mix, it was so ridiculous and less flexible than my first. I should know that using a hot air gun on one of the areas that may withstand the highest pressure is a bad idea, but I won’t give up. Here is what I have on hand: 1. Hot air gun (with infrared thermometer) 2. Cheap electric soldering iron set (with some accessories) 3. Available credit: | I am not a newbie, but this accident made me Be confident that you are a newbie.

By the way, I want to store real sesx dolls in my room all the way to the lower arm (for obvious reasons) until we find a solution. I don’t want to be one of those guys who sound desperate, but I really want to be transparent, even if this process takes me weeks to complete.

Help You Add Stuff Tpe Sex Dolls

As others have mentioned, it is likely that the batch of tpe used on the sex doll has lost some of its ingredients and may cause premature aging. But I think you will notice that other areas, such as the armpits behind the knees, are also worn out. It seems to be limited to private use, so it reminds me that the chemicals you use to clean up are the culprits.

Vaseline / mineral oil itself is a poor promoter of bacterial growth, so just mixing light soap in water immediately after use and washing it occasionally is enough to prevent the risk of mold. I think people will continue to read the horror stories here, seeing past topics, freaking out, and then sometimes getting tidy. Just be thorough, but not necessarily heavy on the use of chemicals and hot water.

Just to give you some ideas on where to start fixing the work that has been done. You need to get a sample / spare tpe from the piper doll manufacturer, apparently having the same skin tone. You want to use tools. Therefore, as Arthur mentioned, it is a hot air rework station. I will also get a stainless steel sculpting kit like this to help you add filler tpe sex dolls and smooth the area.

I Always Wash Sex Dolls After Use

I notice that TPE sex doll often contain a certain amount of oil, and I want to make the doll’s skin flexible … Do you think any of your cleaning habits might use these possible results? Given its current fragility, I would not use baby oil in the area. Baby oil may make the area excessively soft, making it worse. I use vaseline there. And only a small amount is needed to wet the area.

Enough to make the surface look moist. Do not wipe on it. Given the current state of tpe, I would not use Nivea cream either. It contains water. TPE pouring out and already in a fragile state can cause mold. The strain zone (which looks like a cooked turkey) has more gaps for bacteria to enter.

And there is not enough oil in the pores; the water in Nivea Cream can be used by any remaining bacteria to make mold. Seen another doll owner using it on this forum, so I think it should be fine. I’m really not sure what the reason is because I always wash the entire body of sex dolls after use, but only the damage in that particular area … So far, my best guess is that if too much, baby powder Can the material be dried?

Looks Like TPE Sex Dolls Are Weak

You will need a glass dish to put tpe sex doll pieces in to melt them. Not recommended for any other use at a later time! You will also need a respirator for organic vapors / chemicals. To fill the hole area above the anal entrance hole, I will try to use a small stainless steel spoon inserted into the anal cavity and use it to prevent the filler added to the hole from falling out. It’s like punching holes in the wall with a sieve or grate on the screen.

After bonding the tpe to the surrounding area, you just need to slide the tool out. Does anyone know what I can do? It looks completely dry. TPE glue is actually a solvent and may make the situation worse. How long have you been with her and have you contacted your supplier? I have only spent about 2 weeks now and it is very new.

I’m sending an email to the vendor, but the more information the better. What should we do if tpe dries? And what causes this to happen? What do you use to clean her? Or what lubricant are you using? It just seems to be there, so I think this is something you use there. You can oil her with baby oil. It doesn’t look right. Looks like TPE sex dolls are weak.

Caused More Serious Sex Dolls Stains

I tried searching the forums but couldn’t find the answer, so let’s get started. What is the best detergent for TPE sex doll? And let me be clear: I’m not asking for antifouling skills. I have a sex doll with dark stains and want to get rid of them. I want to know what products can do this. That is the information I seek.

I’ll get some! I have been using a benzoyl peroxide cream of 0.10%. This is much cheaper than the ointment I received from the doll. Rub it into the area and leave a coat on top and wait 12-24 hours. Can be used every time, even the dark purple purple stain that often appears on black wig caps. If the stain remover is effective, shouldn’t we be satisfied with the doll’s dress before removing the stain?

I don’t like to limit the color of clothes to a few, and I don’t like to wear clothes for a long time. Just make sure to test what you decide to use in a discrete location first. The soles of your feet or the top of your head. One of my dolls responded poorly to benzoyl peroxide. BP caused more serious sex dolls stains that could not be removed. It’s best to use products that work on dolls to understand what’s happening to them.

Prevent Further Damage To Real Sex Dolls

As always, the choice is yours. So what is the best way to smooth the thighs of real sex doll again. No need to order tools or special TPE- “glue”? This looks like a good smoothing method. The larger cut may not disappear, but it appears to prevent further damage. But you should be fine, like everything, I might test in areas like the soles of my feet to see what kind of reaction you get.

If you’re worried about the bug landing on your lady … I mix a bottle of 20 drops of mint, 20 drops of lavender essential oil diluted with vodka, then shake it in a spray bottle and spray it on the girl. Sitting by the pool. Stay away from errors. The vodka evaporated quickly, leaving the essential oil scattered on my doll, no bugs. It would be a shame if it was really caused by powder.

I am preparing for the upcoming trip, and I put a small bottle to use as an insect repellent. It smells good too. Did I use too much heat to redo my feet and the TPE molecules changed? TPE real sex doll is always sticky, but it is very sticky ….. a fly will land on her feet and cannot take off again! (Perhaps the law is exaggerated) But has anyone encountered it? But yes, her stains are from stockings made in China .. Now that makes sense.

The Only Option Is To Fix Real Sex Dolls

Whenever I finish hot processing and keep using baby oil like this, I leave the area for an hour or two after finishing, and then sprinkle it with powder, which is usually okay. My poor IT150 bruised the right front thigh. Honestly, I don’t know what’s going on. Just in the heat, when she stood in the guard room, I suddenly saw the real sex doll, and I wanted to give her a good night hug. Okay, let’s keep it simple.

Half of these ingredients (many ingredients don’t actually tell you what they mean, if you really want to know, you need to use a further Google search), I don’t wear women’s clothes. My real sex doll Jennifer’s left wrist broke today and I don’t know what to do. Soon after using her, both wrists were loosened, and today looks good when playing. I certainly let her sit on the bed with her arms.

After a while, when I came back, she tilted to the left, but her hand didn’t touch anything, but her wrist was now soft like a fish, and I heard a harsh sound when I moved. I’ve seen articles about using wristbands on forums. Is this my only option or can I fix real sex dolls? What exactly do you want to use it for? A small amount (not very regularly) may not cause much trouble, but I do not use it extensively or personally.

My Girlfriend Doesn’t Like My Real Sex Dolls

I have a Wm 165k and it’s been years. At present, the tolerance of a new larger breasted real sex doll is out of range. I’m going on vacation … if the chest is big enough to afford it, I will use the rest for new models. That’s why it failed. I did a full day of strapless bras on Jesse with similar silicone strips on them, no bad effects.

Although I am always cautious about new clothes and don’t leave them for too long without checking, it seems that some silicones can safely contact TPE. Bad entertainment seems to be related to sex toys. The initial perimeter was 18-1 / 2 “. I was very enthusiastic and raised it to 23-1/2”. My method is to use a hypodermic needle and an aquarium pump. I bought a 6-foot tube and a T-junction.

The ends are the same length to ensure proper pressure distribution. Pop music is heartbreaking … I should be slow, or at least take time to stretch. Gradually my girlfriend didn’t like my doll, so I stored real sex dolls. The size of the holes did increase (much larger than the picture shown). I have tried with some success. I know I shouldn’t try to increase the size …. But I still have to laugh out loud.

Fix It And Execute Real Sex Dolls Properly

I went ahead and combined toothpaste with a small amount of mineral oil, and followed all the tricks I could find for a real sex doll. I managed to make a lot of stains, but now the dense stains on her knees are faint and barely noticeable. Very satisfied with the result; even if it is not perfect. In the future, I will definitely wash my clothes with old clothes. I was lucky this time. After soaking for several hours, you will see the color of the water change.

Then clean normally. Repeat 5-6-7-200 times until you think it is enough. The Chinese-made clothing you buy from Amazon contains a lot of dyes. That’s why you need to repeat the cleaning process over and over again! As for the stains obtained by the real sex doll, it can be easily removed, but as CF said, post some photos.

I will help you. This is another big selling point for anyone who wants to fix it and execute it properly. You may also want to powder her regularly to avoid bruising and make her feel smoother. If you use color to indicate that you imagine her makeup, then I ’m sure I removed most of the originals from baby oil, and iv found that if I wiped her liquid foundation with baby oil, the skin color of real sex dolls is actually more It looks like pink, but once I apply the powder, she gets darker.

To See If Your Real Sex Dolls Have A Warranty

I don’t know if you can really call it on the real sex doll company, but due to all the copper wires used by Chinese doll manufacturers, all dolls in the TPE category suffer from finger-popping injuries and broken wrists. They all use boards with connecting wires to allow wrist and finger movements. The hands of all Chinese-made dolls suffer from the same problem, so it doesn’t matter who the manufacturer is.

You may need to contact Esll to see if your real sex doll has a warranty. I have the same problem. Now, I keep the stockings, but I fold the tops of the stockings back so that the silicone faces up when not needed. If needed, I can easily fold it up. Unless I study otherwise, I do just that.

Is there a way to eliminate burrs? I tried to smooth them with a welding torch. I can match colors that don’t match. Can’t see it directly. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. It depends on how the wrists stay together. If it’s like what my real sex dolls have, it’s a matter of tightening the threaded fasteners, it’s easy.