Might Be Better For Larger Real Sex Dolls Areac

And I will avoid using hot air guns, because I am not sure it will not work even in the final smoothing. A larger flat tool (such as a heated spoon) may help smooth the area, but in the end it has nothing to do with appearance, but functionality and repair are crucial so it doesn’t get worse. I also have a real sex doll that needs repair-just like your arm.

But the degree of tearing is small, I will fix my problem this way, and I will get a repair video. I can’t believe this will attract your attention and Arthur’s attention! Here I did receive a test piece from Tan WM, which started to restore my confidence and I have been practicing the test piece in a “well-ventilated work area”. I’m using a knife tip and it takes some time to smooth it, so I know it will take a lot of time.

If the size of the attachment is three times the original, it may be better for larger real sex dolls areas, but I am willing to do this for a long time. I know it’s easy to smooth it with my hot air gun, but since everyone says the hot air gun is a bad idea, smoothing it will be a bigger task. It doesn’t seem impossible, it’s just tedious.

Will Take Up A Lot Of Spare TPE Real Sex Dolls

I personally will avoid using tpe real sex doll padding. Don’t get me wrong, because it’s a convenient thing, and I’ve used it successfully before, but I think it’s best for areas that don’t stretch often. It also actively melts the surrounding tpe, so some skills are required to successfully use it. The solution I have to solve is to place her in the best position so that her armpits are facing up and then close her arms as much as possible.

However, it was still allowed to enter the axilla and gradually divided into small pieces using a variable welding station. You can always cut some pieces from the neck and that’s what I do when I do a groin repair. No matter what you decide, I wish you good luck! Soldering station is a good solution. Depending on the factors, the hot air gun will open her more / worse things, but I will first cut a small piece of TPE and then gradually fill it into the larger TPE by welding.

Yours can be repaired, but it will take up a lot of spare TPE real sex dolls, I will take it from the insert or her neck, or just order some spares. I’ll do the repairs like a few days, so you should take your time-do it every time, then take a break and continue. The final mixing will be performed using a solder gun.

Your Repair Of Damaged Areas Real Sex Dolls

I know how you feel about doing the same thing a year ago, although the damage I caused was much more serious because I mistakenly heated and flattened my little groin tears and made it worse by using tpe filler The area of ​​a real sex doll. The good news is that I believe that this kind of damage can be repaired using the methods detailed in Mishka’s tpe repair thread.

For best results, I suggest you use a variable thermal welding station (buy my mine from eBay for £ 20) and then practice the technique used by Mishka, which works with small pieces of tpe as you gradually Work it into the damaged area and build a layer of tpe. If you look at this link, this is my personal experience.

I didn’t forget to make sure you do any such work in a well-ventilated place, and you will need proper masks to reach toxic fumes (3 million euros are affordable and available from many eBay sellers). Hope this helps and good luck! I’ve seen your thread several times, and the fixes you made to real sex dolls are not very noteworthy.

I Will Be In Some Spare Tpe Sex Dolls

Lubricants and suds should be suspicious. Use baby oil to clean and maintain the correct condition. The soap will remove the oil and will quickly destroy her. These piper sex doll are fragile and need to cheer on privately. I agree that it is too early, but it seems to enjoy a high reputation, and I am very convinced that the problem lies in my daily maintenance.

I had previously sent an email to Kimi and he contacted the manufacturer and they suggested that I use a hot air gun to melt the rough surface of the TPE and stop using the existing soap. I’m not sure if I want to try this, I worry that I will eventually hurt her further because the damage is also inside the orifice. At the same time, I completely stop moving her to prevent further tearing.

Take a quick look, if you are sure you want to use hot air to reach the area, then I will not use a hot air gun, but instead use a variable hot hot air rework station with a thin nozzle. Even then, I am cautious because the area deforms under a certain amount of tension and it is easy to open when hot air is applied. Personally, I will do some exercises on some spare tpe sex dolls until you are proficient in the method.

Looks Like TPE Sex Dolls Are Weak

You will need a glass dish to put tpe sex doll pieces in to melt them. Not recommended for any other use at a later time! You will also need a respirator for organic vapors / chemicals. To fill the hole area above the anal entrance hole, I will try to use a small stainless steel spoon inserted into the anal cavity and use it to prevent the filler added to the hole from falling out. It’s like punching holes in the wall with a sieve or grate on the screen.

After bonding the tpe to the surrounding area, you just need to slide the tool out. Does anyone know what I can do? It looks completely dry. TPE glue is actually a solvent and may make the situation worse. How long have you been with her and have you contacted your supplier? I have only spent about 2 weeks now and it is very new.

I’m sending an email to the vendor, but the more information the better. What should we do if tpe dries? And what causes this to happen? What do you use to clean her? Or what lubricant are you using? It just seems to be there, so I think this is something you use there. You can oil her with baby oil. It doesn’t look right. Looks like TPE sex dolls are weak.

Or Maybe The Formula Of TPE Sex Dolls Is Different

It might work for multiple applications, but I haven’t tried it. It’s no big deal for me, because I prefer sex doll black hair, and she is always black hair, I have some stains on my body and rubbed mineral oil on the spots a few times. I guess the mineral oil breaks them down and brings them inside, but it’s gone now. I must express my approval as a detergent.

Eva has been sitting in a red dress for too long, leaving terrible stains on her back, which obviously didn’t get enough time to be washed. Hopefully I’ve taken both before and after taking the picture, but when I first saw the stains couldn’t take the camera out, I was so angry. Interestingly, my 6ye doll has been wearing this dress for a much longer time and has not been soiled at all.

It may be because she is older and has less oil left, or maybe the formula of TPE sex dolls is different. Anyway, I usually paint the stained area in maximum intensity and leave it for about 48 hours. It dries and becomes crusty. Then I washed it with diluted dishwashing liquid / water and it worked very well. Basically the stain is gone. We will see here what happened, but the results impressed us.

Not Sure If It Will Damage TPE Sex Dolls

I haven’t encountered it yet. I just wiped it, covered it with a fresh coat, then washed the sex doll with neutral soap, oiled the area and then powdered it. Washing clothes in salt water seems to lock color and prevent bleeding. I’ve been photographing my black and red outfits and playing without penalty. I will not leave these things for more than a few hours.

I haven’t finished all of these articles, but letting go, I have achieved amazing success with 5% benzoyl peroxide. I’ll put on some, and then you just need to leave it and apply it for about three more days a day, then the stain completely disappears! However, after that I recommend using a good quality sponge bath, then Vaseline, and finally baby powder.

As good as new! Peroxide deep cleansing toothpaste to remove lighter stains works very well. Apply a large amount and keep it for several hours. Wash it and reapply for about 6 hours. After washing and reapplying for 24 hours, the stain disappeared. I would have kept it for 24 hours, but I am not sure if it will damage the TPE sex dolls. It didn’t work well for the darker stains on my black hair wig that I kept for a few weeks.

Need To Cool And Dry Real Sex Dolls

Honestly, I didn’t think too much at the time, but after removing it a few hours later, I noticed a blue tone in the tibia and knee areas. This is not serious, but it is very obvious. The doll forum is useful because you can exchange ideas freely, so please take pictures / records of your repairs and post follow-up comments so others can learn from you! Is there any hope to completely solve this real sex doll problem?

I’m ready to accept the fact that real sex dolls may be a reason for failure-due to the fact that due to lack of experience, I should try it earlier, but I am willing to try it. Thanks in advance! To avoid soiling your clothes when buying new clothes: Fill the washing machine with the hottest water set point. Soak the clothes in soap for several hours. I am back and am sorry to be a MIA for a while; I am stuck in a game called “laughter in life”. I just redone the feet of a woman last night. It is an AS.

I used a hot air gun, a temperature sensor and a soldering iron, and a lot of baby oil haha! I placed a soldering iron at 250 ° C and I solved her foot problem, but now the TPE of the real sex doll is super sticky. I originally thought it was because it needed to be cooled and dried, but now it’s been 24 hours and it’s still sticky. To prevent TPE from sticking to socks, I cannot wear socks.

What Methods Can Remove Stains From WM TPE Real Sex Dolls

Don’t get me wrong, this is not a bad thing. It’s just that you have to deal with and understand what needs to be compromised. The TPE real sex doll of the cheap doll has problems with wear and tear. There should be some posts on how to deal with these issues in the maintenance section. I recommend trying the search tool and spending an hour or so reading and watching some videos.

After I got the doll, I bought a TPE real sex doll puller kit. Although the solvent was sealed, it began to dry and thicken. What do I use to make it thin? I actually ordered something today to try to complete the labia enhancement work for Tessa, plus I noticed that there was a factory repair using this solvent, and I wanted to completely rebuild it … like cutting from her shoulder, Replace it with a piece of fresh TPE in the sample.

This way (hopefully) she will not leave a scar on her. Some things I noticed … if you use a solvent … you can’t heat the area to remove any blemishes … let us remove this blemishes by heating … so this happened a while ago, but I wonder if there is any way to remove stains from WM TPE real sex dolls? It comes from when I dressed her with blue leggings.

To See If Your Real Sex Dolls Have A Warranty

I don’t know if you can really call it on the real sex doll company, but due to all the copper wires used by Chinese doll manufacturers, all dolls in the TPE category suffer from finger-popping injuries and broken wrists. They all use boards with connecting wires to allow wrist and finger movements. The hands of all Chinese-made dolls suffer from the same problem, so it doesn’t matter who the manufacturer is.

You may need to contact Esll to see if your real sex doll has a warranty. I have the same problem. Now, I keep the stockings, but I fold the tops of the stockings back so that the silicone faces up when not needed. If needed, I can easily fold it up. Unless I study otherwise, I do just that.

Is there a way to eliminate burrs? I tried to smooth them with a welding torch. I can match colors that don’t match. Can’t see it directly. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. It depends on how the wrists stay together. If it’s like what my real sex dolls have, it’s a matter of tightening the threaded fasteners, it’s easy.