To See If Your Real Sex Dolls Have A Warranty

I don’t know if you can really call it on the real sex doll company, but due to all the copper wires used by Chinese doll manufacturers, all dolls in the TPE category suffer from finger-popping injuries and broken wrists. They all use boards with connecting wires to allow wrist and finger movements. The hands of all Chinese-made dolls suffer from the same problem, so it doesn’t matter who the manufacturer is.

You may need to contact Esll to see if your real sex doll has a warranty. I have the same problem. Now, I keep the stockings, but I fold the tops of the stockings back so that the silicone faces up when not needed. If needed, I can easily fold it up. Unless I study otherwise, I do just that.

Is there a way to eliminate burrs? I tried to smooth them with a welding torch. I can match colors that don’t match. Can’t see it directly. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. It depends on how the wrists stay together. If it’s like what my real sex dolls have, it’s a matter of tightening the threaded fasteners, it’s easy.

It’s Easy To Catch My Real Sex Dolls

Then remove the finger wires … these will be wrapped with gauze to make the TPE real sex doll stick to the wires, so removing them will be a challenge. I even folded up my stockings without straps. just in case. Some stockings are still tight. I picked up some pink stockings with straps and some new black pairs. Those pairs had no straps but a garter. I have different views on how to deal with these issues.

They are not easy to get on TPE dolls, but if I cut off the garter, the stockings will be fine. On the other hand, they are really easy to catch my real sex doll, but they won’t stay up late without the garter attached. Decide, decide. Lol. After all, it’s time to upgrade the finger line with something thicker than copper. I usually use thicker and stronger galvanized wires.

Take some construction glue and fill it with real sex dolls, then plug in the wires. Don’t worry about trimming the wires, but set the adhesive first, which will take several hours to cure. After the curing time has passed, you may need to do some shrink wrap and then place it on the end of the wire to make it less sharp. Insert the wire into the appropriate finger and close it. My preferred method is the hot knife method, but for many people they use the cold melt method or the solvent method.

After Several Real Sex Dolls Wrist Fixes

This is the case for one of my dolls. After a few real sex doll wrist repairs, I think I’ve had enough, and now she’s retired. I want to mention the thing that bothered me. I forgot the round. Depending on the tightness of the stockings and the tightness of the band on the thigh, it can actually impress the position of the band. I had to cut the band so I avoided this problem and it works well now.

This real sex doll problem has been solved before, and I forgot who mentioned that the silicone band does leave an artifact / damaged light effect. I like lace tops, I think they are very sexy. Unfortunately, all these people I’ve met have these adhesive tapes. For a real girl, the effect is very good, and for silicone resin, the effect is equally good, but for TPE girls, I have the same concerns.

This brings another variable, the TPE blend. I can handle this challenge, but her TPE real sex dolls may be different from others. The reason I say this is because she wore a wig with a black net hat and wore the same wig on my Kitty, and some small spots appeared within hours. She has been wearing the same wig for years without any dye. It is therefore based on this apparently inconsistent response. I would assume that the silicone straps of lace stockings would encounter the same different results.

Should Not Touch TPE Real Sex Dolls

Not all TPE real sex doll have wire wrists. My WM’s metal fingers are fixed on the palm board and bolted to the wrist. Similar to the photo below. I have also seen dolls, mostly older ones, with no palms and no fakes at the wrist or ankle. Only the wires extend from the arms and leg tubes. Will the silicone strips on most thigh stockings damage TPE dolls?

I tried searching for answers in that forum, but I didn’t see any real confirmation. The strips are too tight and leave an impression, which seems to be the only problem I see. Sorry if it has been answered before. I talked about this topic in another topic, but this is not the topic there, and no one commented on the trouble of the strip club. But I really want to know if anyone has done something bad from stockings.

I know silicone dolls should not touch TPE real sex dolls. I think this translates into silicone strips on stockings. I don’t understand chemistry. Maybe it’s a silicone mixture that reacts differently from the baby’s silicone? If someone could shed some light on it for me, but if the wrist is made of wire, it could get messy. How to fix it will depend on what is left after the break.

Find Your Own Real Sex Dolls Method

If it gets dirty, I know that any color transfer will be limited to the soles of the feet. Nice to hear you find the real sex doll problem. They are helpful, but they can only help in some way, so the doll’s head is usually smaller than ours. The solution around this problem is to modify the wig waffle (the tutorial is also on the tube), or to spend a little money on high quality wigs, you can choose to order different hair sizes.

This is something we all live together and find our own real sex doll method. I just used a lock washer between the head and body, which seemed to work well for me, but different brands may vary. For garter / leggings, make the outer layer of the leggings one more layer so that the straps on the garter don’t need to touch the doll’s legs directly. Is this common sense … I only found out when cleaning up dolls for sale.

If there is any slight discoloration, it can be rubbed with a hard / fast paper towel (which creates a certain amount of friction), and the outer layer of the TPE will “melt”, pile up, and then pick it up. I had the same problem with my real sex dolls head. When fully tightened, she will face unnatural difficulties. I tried the plumber tape but it didn’t help. I like the idea of ​​using a rubber washer and I will try it out.

There Is A Nasty Scar Real Sex Dolls

Can anyone tell me why the skin of my tpe real sex doll peels after I repair the wound? It’s a second-hand doll, so I’m not sure what type she is, I don’t know if she doesn’t have a wrist plate or shrug her shoulders, and is number 3 at the bottom of the head (if helpful). Then I heated the spoon with a hot air gun and then with a spoon, and then stroked it gently.

My Jy and AS don’t have a clapper board either. Previously, I heated the tpe of those dolls (without solder) with a hot air gun, but it did not peel off. Since you don’t know if it is a legitimate real sex doll or a counterfeit, I can do nothing for you. Enter your 5 posts and post peeling pictures. The picture is worth a thousand words.

I finally got my 5 posts, so if I need them, here are the peeling photos, I can post more photos. I had to perform a major operation on her because her back was broken at the welding point at the top of the U-shape, her hip hit her back, and I put the front fork of a children’s bike there instead of it, and I haven’t really practiced it. Using heat and tpe pre-treatment hands, so she looks like a very annoying scar, although there is some discoloration, but hey, now you can sit up without support because she ca n’t, but even if I touch real sex dolls, I also Will not strip power.

Will Always Serve You Real Sex Dolls

Dolls don’t care if you have problems finding a real life partner, such as looks or social skills. is yours. sex doll will always serve you. Dolls are a great alternative for those who can’t date due to being burned. Why should someone stay alone? Technically, you can still, but dolls provide a certain level of comfort for most car owners, which really helps. Also, why do you manually entertain yourself while the doll is there to provide a very accurate sex simulation? In addition, through personal communication, they do use the skeletal system. They made a few improvements / changes-namely allowing the use of hooks around the neck. But I can once again prove the soundness of the basic system. Why do you want a doll? why not? There are as many reasons as having a doll. Some people are shy about different sex, but having a Japanese sex doll gives them the confidence to return to dating games. There are couples who own dolls and find common experiences.

Why They Have Sex Dolls

Despite all the differences, the people there have one thing in common: they are overflowing with love, they need someone or something to get love, that’s why they have sex doll. I think there is, at a very basic level, having One reason for a doll. The selfish part is how to project a doll. You know what your head looks like. You check the company to see which one best creates the company you are interested in and order from the company you think is best for you. You can dress up the doll to your liking. You can interact with the doll as needed. The personality of the doll may be in your mind right from the start, or it may need to meet in person to flesh out the character. My point is that everything about the doll, from appearance to personality, comes from you. This is what you want. It is difficult to find a real person who is fully compatible with your needs. Always compromise, not male sex doll. Maybe “selfish” is not the right word, but I hope you understand what I mean.

Dealing With The Feeling Of Heavy Japanese Sex Dolls

I think it is most likely that a complete sex doll robot will be developed in Japan as the ultimate functional synthetic companion. I don’t know enough about robotics to predict when it will happen. But I can foresee that owning and maintaining the first functional robots would be expensive, so they are likely to replace dolls at doll hotels in Japan because most people can’t afford them initially. You might be interested in finding topics about robots in the General Discussion. This has been very helpful … understand the point of view … ask more correct questions … it’s not that I didn’t do any research … I might read too much. I started to get more confused. But this may be a good thing. So I want to start thinking about features again. Weight requirements … See I really don’t know. When I was in my 30s, I was a healthy man … I was running and lifting weights. I’m 6’2 “. But it’s another thing entirely … I imagine … it’s like handling heavy Japanese sex doll in bed. I read that nothing really prepares you for this. So consider My physical condition and requirements.

I Can Buy Wigs For Japanese Sex Dolls

If not, I think I will have to try to get a loan or savings … but damn it! I really want to have one. I want a bald head so I can buy a wig for the Japanese sex doll and dress him up like everyone on the Phoenix River. I don’t worry too much about clothes, because he will be naked most of the time anyway. But when he was a kid, I wouldn’t dress him as Chris Chambers or his other characters in My Position. too disgusting! I like to dress him as “I love you to death”. My two favorites! It was also fun to dress him up as a young Indiana Jones. Yes, young is a child, but he was only 18 years old in this role. That will be a dream come true! If you are planning to buy a silicone sex doll, weight will be the biggest issue. Don’t underestimate it. If you are completely mechanically inclined, I recommend using a modified stand with a winch and pulley.