Sex Dolls Are Still Considered Novelty Items

Due to the high cost performance, sex dolls are still considered expensive novelty items. Legally, they also exist in a somewhat gray place: they do not technically violate the prostitution laws of most states.

Just like Barbie can change heads when you are young, TPE dolls can be other people; her face is attracted by magnets, when you are tired of her appearance or when her AI ability reminds her of your mistakes, you She can change her face, voice and personality in one fell swoop.

For somewhere in the US for nearly $10,000, you can buy a permanent companion that looks and feels very realistic, just like the motion capture in the movie looks very realistic until you reach the cold-blooded eyes, of course. But we are digressing.

160CM RZR Silicone Sex Dolls Yasuko

Their interest in these TPE dolls stems from their latest incarnation. Sex doll manufacturers are now designing prototypes for robots and artificial intelligence. This is consistent with Kate’s expertise. She studied human-computer interaction and artificial intelligence at King’s College London. Kate said she saw a more advanced model, a sex doll robot, programming to provide friendship and sex.

Udore is known for his surreal silicone dolls and created a silicone sex doll called Xiaomi. With it, users can create custom personalities for their dolls and then use the mobile app to learn about them. At the end of the year, it will start selling electronic doll heads, eyes closed, moving lips and built-in AI chat robot engine.

For sex dolls, our special report explores the intersection of exploration and technology. We talked to the owners of these “sex dolls” and found that most people created unique personalities for their dolls, not only as sexual and emotional objects. – Partner, even. Many people are excited about the prospect of using artificial intelligence to help further develop their fantasies.

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