The Manufacturer Has Carefully Banned The Shipment Of Sex Dolls

Nowadays, owning flat chest sex doll is no longer weird or creepy. Over the past few decades, sex dolls have become more and more popular. In addition, technology has become more innovative and complex. This makes sex dolls look more real than ever. Once a taboo topic, it is now an openly accepted sexuality and fetishism. In addition, manufacturers have carefully prohibited the shipment of sex dolls. Therefore, it becomes easier for those who want to buy a sex doll without having to peek with others.
Not surprisingly, the company that sells sex dolls is the same as the company that provides doll makeup products. Among them are the exquisite love dolls, famous for their accessories, from tattoo stickers to piercings and of course cosmetics. It provides a complete kit, including the customer’s selected eye shadow palette, blush, lipstick, eyeliner, fake nails, a set of brushes and cleaners for only $129. One might wonder why the foundation is not included, but the company explained that tpe sex doll already have a perfect skin tone, and no amount or type of foundation can compete with it.

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Nevertheless, the most needed makeup products for Fine Love Dolls are eyelash glue, nail polish, lipstick, eyeliner and b-bone powder, which can also be used for areola and genitals.
The biggest challenge in this work is that not everyone knows something about cosmetics. Although some people may have learned some ideas and skills from years of observation, in most cases they are not familiar with the concept of contour, the technique of applying cosmetics, and the precautions when combining shadows. Therefore, they must know where and whom to ask for help.

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YouTube (at least based on women’s experience) proved to be an effective source. There, countless bloggers, such as Jacklyn Hill (Jacklyn Hill), are waiting to provide tutorials for beginners. However, if you like to learn from people who specialize in doll makeup, then they might want to visit Mishka Valentino’s YouTube channel.

In addition, owners can find their male sex doll lovers on a website called The Doll Forum. This online community of like-minded individuals consists of more than 60,000 members sharing their stories and knowledge. The forum has more than 180 makeup-themed threads, which contain product reviews and pictures of love dolls, and are personalized by their owners. Considering that despite the efforts of big brands and advocate groups, many straight men are still reluctant to discuss this topic, so this may be a good platform for collecting information, attracting attention and further exploring sexual doll cosmetics.

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