After I wore very few clothes for three dolls (1 pair of pants, 2 dresses, and 1 T-shirt), on the other hand, there were a lot of pajamas and panties and so on … Sex dolls wearing tpe should not sit for a long time, Wear tight clothing, otherwise it will leave marks and deform tpe. For her, I don’t want to spend hours buying clothes, and I spend the rest of my time in bed, sleeping in well-preserved pajamas.
For some time, I have been seriously considering buying a sex doll, so I sought advice. I was single (most of the time) in my thirties, and I was particularly interested in the idea of having a company with women. This is probably the thing I miss most about my relationship. I live alone in a relatively remote house. I rarely visit.
To be honest, I was wondering if putting a doll at home would give me a little more distance from “normal” human contact, but it would also allow me to approach them more quietly, while reducing contact expectations in some way. That’s probably my approach. I hope to find the sex dolls answer I miss here! One thing is for sure: a doll will make your house vibrant-there is no denying that their existence is amazing. Stunning (Who enters the room and wants to know who is sitting there and who is not jumping?