I think the doll is a high-end luxury real sex doll. I have a lot of questions about maintenance, and more about how to use dolls properly. I also own a Wm 170 H Cup, like many people here, I don’t think my doll is a sex toy or inflatable doll. Here, many DOs provide a doll to ask about the top of existence and photos Models, not sex toys, see Sex toys at the end of a wish.
As the future of sex-only toys, you will have to be more careful. Because it uses more time than sex toys, it can quickly wear out dolls. The doll is fragile. You have to be careful. If you’re that strong person, you can quickly break or even break. Please read your form carefully and provide it with your doll to ensure that it is used and used correctly.
There is a lot of information about the gynoid doll and you can make him hurt. Hello everyone, my name is Kevin and I am 26 years old and single. I live alone in an apartment. I like comics, anime, video games, and otaku. Haha. As a collector and fan service fan, I have tried it for a while, figurine, “real size”, a beautiful doll.